博士生研讨会 | Postgraduate Workshops in China Studies

A weekly workshop series for PhD students to present their research and receive constructive feedback from their peers. Bringing China studies faculty and students together from across the Humanities, they contribute to our interdisciplinary and inclusive China studies research environment.

Spring 2025 Workshops 

(Open to MCI affiliated faculty, postdocs, PhD & postgrad students only)

The University of Manchester is committed to academic independence and the freedom of speech. The views speakers present are entirely their own, and do not represent those of the University of Manchester or the Manchester China Institute. 

Each event is held as a working lunch in MCI's Lee Building, and includes a thirty-minute presentation from the PhD student, a Q&A session, and feedback from faculty.

There were 38 applications for nine Spring 2025 workshops, testifying to the demand this programme is meeting. 35 of the 38 applicants were Chinese students, suggesting that these workshops are providing an inclusive and safe space for their professional development.

History & Leadership

MCI postdoctoral researcher Dr Tao Wang created the workshop series in 2019. Humanities PhD students Chengzhi Zhang (SoSS), Yanran Zhang (SEED), and Jingjing Huang (SoSS) are running it in 2024/25.


We invite PhD students to submit proposals for presentations on any topic related to China Studies or the Chinese-speaking world. We welcome a wide range of subjects, including social sciences, linguistics, science, technology, the arts, and beyond.

If you’d like to present, please send the following details to mci@manchester.ac.uk by 1 December or 1 May to be considered for the next semester’s workshop series:

  • Full name
  • Brief bio: (include academic title, institution, profile picture)
  • Talk title: Up to 75 characters, capturing your topic or research question on China
  • Abstract: Up to 200 words
  • Availability: Indicate your availability throughout the current academic year

Our PGR convenors will review your application. Please also consult our guidelines for successful applicants before your presentation.