博士后与访问学者 | Postdoctoral Research Associates & Scholars in Residence

MCI boasts a collegial and intellectually stimulating atmosphere for the study of China. Our postdoctoral research associates conduct world-class research in China studies. And during their stays, Scholars in Residence participate in the research life of MCI: attending MCI research seminars, presenting their work, and working collaboratively with Manchester-based researchers on academic outputs.

Postdoctoral research associates

MCI postdoctoral research associates are housed in MCI's Lee Building, where they conduct world-leading research in China studies.


Thanks to the annual interest from the endowment created by Dr. Lee's generous gift, the Manchester China Institute (MCI) offers funding for one Postdoctoral Research Associate position each year, ensuring support in perpetuity.

It is currently a two-year position, and is advertised every odd year in late Autumn (e.g. 2025, 2027) to start in the Autumn of even years (e.g. md-September 2026, 2028).

The job announcements will be made on this webpage, and via our social media (Facebook, X, Instagram, Linkedin), which you can follow.

Links to postings will also be available through the University of Manchester’s job portal. Use the keyword "China" in your search.

Scholars in residence

MCI scholars in residence are housed in the Lee Building, contributing to our vibrant multidiciplinary research culture for China studies.


MCI welcomes applications to its scholars in residence programme from researchers at all career stages working in the field of China studies. Preference will be given to applicants whose projects contribute to excellence in China studies at UoM and to MCI’s mission, and are evaluated solely on the basis of academic merit and fit.

Learn more and apply on our Scholars in Residence page.